Another great thing about cartooning: just making terms up for the sheer gratuitous fun of it.
Creepsy comes via convo today on the interwebs. Orginator: Kirrily Schell in discussion with Andrew Woodward. Kirrily is doing post-production on some animation workshops in the Northern Territory which sounds like a real blast. Anthony is a prolific cartoonist straight outta Ballarat, and just got interviewed on 'The ComicsSpot'. (Check it out!)
Chugnut is a comics drawing camp that I'm hoping I'll be able to attend sometime. The term is primarily attributed to Mandy Ord.
Downes Syndrome: I enjoyed being able to tune in to Chris Downes' daily comic every last year, carefully penciled and inked. And usually just under the wire! That vein being mined out, I can't really dance to the same jig in *my* daily comics. (I hope he'll forgive me coining the term.)
(Started 6:05 pm finished 6:34 pm. Apologies folks, some minor dramas with posting on ComixPress tonite.)
Wot I like about the web: instant feedback.

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Wow! I’m honoured to have a comics term named after me!
Of course, many of my comics were about procrastinating, too. When you’re doing dailies, you’ve gotta keep it real!
It was great fun to check in every evening to see Chris’ style and tone develop. (And in part an inspiration for me to go daily.) He now gets *paid* for his work, with strips in the Tassie Mercury!